Over the past few weeks Sneakernews has presented quite a few look-see’s of the new Jordan Motorsports collection- one of which taking the form of an Air Jordan 6 . We’ve read the comments and recognize where people stand; many love it for its refreshing new look, while others may hate for for taking away from the purity of original AJ6 design. Some have even joked about only copping if the new superbike came with it to match.
Despite seeing a pair or two available for sale, most wouldn’t bother to fathom dropping a few G’s to own this Motor team-exclusive pair. But for a true collector, any Jordan Motorsports would be a defiant pair to have- most likely never showing up in anyone else’s stocklist. Good looks to OSneaker for granting a pair to shoot. If you’re one of those who just can’t stop looking at these, make it your new desktop thanks to our new Sneaker Wallpapers section.