Fifteen years ago, Hideo Nomo opened the floodgates as the first Japanese-born full-time Major League Baseball player. Nomo’s appeal was well rounded, from his connections to the Pacific rim to a one-of-a-kind windup, so it’s no surprise Nike noticed this and signed him. Here’s the Nike Air Max NM Nomo that was released the year after Hideo won the NL Rookie of the Year in 1995. If the sole looks familiar, that’s cos it’s the same one that also released under the Air Griffey Max 1 in ’96. Two colorways will release during the Spring 2011 season, with Pro Blue and Varsity Red uppers both accented by black ‘teeth’ at the top and bottom. Check out more shots after the jump and stick with Sneaker News for updates on this upcoming retro release. via Osneaker