Team Dime originated during Mike Bibby’s days as part of the Vancouver Grizzlies franchise. The story goes likethis: Bibby’s entourage, consisting of his two brother Dana Flores and Hank Bibby as well as his friend Tony Thompson, came up to Vancouver with Mike to help him get acquainted with his new Canadian surroundings. The four walked into the team gym facility, where former teammate Shareef Abdur-Rahim labeled the group ‘Team Bibby’. Flores responded with, “Nah, it’s Team Dime“, and the name just stuck. Of course, Dime refers to Bibby’s #10 jersey that he’s worn all this life, and the TD/10 logo makes not of that. This rare Nike Air Force 1 ‘Team Dime’ Mike Bibby PE is one of the rarer Air Force 1s to have ever released, so take a look at the gallery of images after the jump and check out the auction from abtmchan on eBay.
Nike Air Force 1 ‘Team Dime’ Mike Bibby PE
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